Category: Research

Chapter 2. Self-employment and self-employment weakness

Chapter 2. Self-employment and self-employment weakness

Overview Over recent decades, the Korean self-employment rate has seen a substantial decline. Nevertheless, the self-employment rate in Korea is still relatively high compared to other countries, and self-employed workers in Korea are especially concentrated in traditional service-based businesses. Various indices indicate that the weak self-employment sector in Korea is...

Appendix 2.1.2. Korean self-employment rate trends

Appendix 2.1.2. Korean self-employment rate trends

Return to main PhD research page As shown in Fig. 2.1.1, Korea and Japan have experienced the steepest long-term decreases in self-employment. In developed Western countries, such as the United States and Germany, the decline has been modest, while self-employment in the UK has even risen somewhat in recent years...

Appendix 2.1.3. Korean service sector weakness (2000–2015)

Appendix 2.1.3. Korean service sector weakness (2000–2015)

Return to main PhD research page Economic development typically progresses through three stages: resource-driven, efficiency-driven, and innovation-driven. The Korean economy is classified at the highest stage: innovation-driven. But the means of production still exhibit strong efficiency-driven characteristics, particularly due to the dominant manufacturing sector. In innovation-driven economies, business services generally...



The following list is the complete list of cited works in the PhD dissertation. For Korean-language references, I have provided an English-language translation first, followed by the Korean reference in parentheses. On the other hand, Korean translations have not been provided of English references. When translating Korean titles to English,...

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction

Overview The discussion of weak self-employment relates to contemporary considerations of inclusive and income-driven growth, which are seen as strategies for fairly sharing the benefits of economic production across Korean society. Relevant issues impacting and being impacted by the self-employment sector: Can minimum wage laws can be implemented without undermining...

Classifications and taxonomies

Classifications and taxonomies

Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC) – Service sector included in this study Rev. 9 (2007–2017) Korean English Additional 대분류 (section) 중분류 (division)– 소분류 (group) [E] 하수·폐기물 처리, 원료재생 및 환경복원업 Sewerage, waste management, materials recoveryand remediation activities (37) 하수, 폐수 및 분뇨 처리업 Sewage, wastewater and human waste treatment services...

Lists of laws, other important documents, organizations, and datasets

Lists of laws, other important documents, organizations, and datasets

Laws Korean English Description 소상공인 보호 및 지원에 관한 법률 Act on the Protection of and Support for Micro Enterprises Enacted in 2015, changing the name of the act from Act on Special Measures for Development of Small and Micro Enterprises to Act on the Protection of and Support for...

Glossary of important study terminology

Glossary of important study terminology

Key concepts Korean English Description Additional 자영업 self-employment 자영업 부문: self-employment sector 영세자영업 weak self-employment Main focus of study 영세자영업 부문: weak self-employment subsector 비영세자영업 non-weak self-employment The part of the self-employment sector that this study does not focus on 비영세자영업 부문: non-weak self-employment subsector Criteria of weak self-employment 영세자영업...

PhD Dissertation Research on Self-Employment in Korea

PhD Dissertation Research on Self-Employment in Korea

Between 2015 and 2020, I researched and wrote my dissertation on the Korean self-employment sector. Thanks to the direction of my advisor Professor Hwan-Joo Seo in the Department of Management Strategy at the Graduate School of Hanyang University, I was awarded a PhD in early 2021. Because of the high...