Understand difficult concepts in Korean academic and scientific documents.
As the author of papers published in Korean-language academic journals, I leverage my background to deliver high-quality translation of academic and scientific Korean documents into English.
I will help you to:
- Understand Korean research
- Get market information about Korea
- Achieve other goals requiring Korean translation support
You can expect from me:
- Accurate, well-written, and well-formatted translations that are easy to understand
- On-time delivery every time, sometimes with overnight turnaround
- Prompt and thorough communication before, during, and after your project
- Consistently high quality from project to project by leveraging technology and best-practice workflows
- Transparent pricing structure that may reduce your costs over time
- Accountability through workflow verifiability, US-based business registration, professional liability insurance, and my “Consistently Good Work” Pledge
- Confidential handling of and respect for your intellectual property
– Premium Korean>English translation: US$0.12–0.19/Korean character
– Premium English>Korean translation: US$0.22–0.36/English word
– Budget Korean>English translation: US$0.08–0.10/Korean character
– Korean>English revision (editing/proofreading): US$0.03–0.07/Korean character
– Hourly support services: US$60–130/hour
Visit Rates & Pricing for further details, including discount options.
Academic and scientific documents I translate
- Korean journal articles and other scientific research reports
- Abstracts of Korean masters theses and doctoral dissertations
- Korean patents
“Thanks for the quick turnaround. Our needs for translation are infrequent, but I will be happy to contact you again when we once again have the need, and will refer others to you as well…. Thank you also for adding the translator’s note to the translation to add the perspective. Best of luck with your business.”
Paul Cantrell (Soluris Inc. – Concord, Massachusetts)
Korean journal articles and other scientific research reports
The Korean academic and scientific literature is especially strong in electronics, telecommunications, automobiles, industrial chemicals, construction, and semiconductors. As a result, I translate Korean academic and scientific papers and reports on all of these topics. I handle medical and social science papers (including papers in economics and finance), as well.
Though my primary clients in the field of Korean academic and scientific translation are non-Korean academics and companies needing access to Korean research, I also support Korean academics. Korean scientists conducting especially high-quality research commission me to edit or translate their papers to English. I use my skills and understanding of statistical analysis and academic writing to translate these scientific Korean documents correctly into field-appropriate English.
Some academic papers I’ve worked on for Korean academics
– Seo, Hwan-Joo and Sung Jin-Kang. 2022. Global Financialization and Corporate Investment Strategy: The Case of Korean Firms. Routledge Focus. ISBN 9781032147376.
– Seo, Hwan-Joo, Sung-Jin Kang, and Yong-Jun Baek. 2020. “Managerial myopia and short-termism of innovation strategy: Financialization of Korean firms.” Cambridge Journal of Economics 44, no. 6 (November 2020): 1197–1220. https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/beaa023
– Lee, Young-Soo and Hwan-Joo Seo. 2019. “Political Institutions and Technological Innovation.” Ordo Economics Journal 22, no. 3 : 39–63 [이영수ㆍ서환주(2019), “정치제도와 기술혁신,” 질서경제저널, 22(3), 39∼36.] DOI : 10.20436/OEJ.22.3.039.
– Seo, Hwan-Joo. 2019. “The Rise of Multiple Inequities: Focusing on Interactions between the Political and Economic Spheres.” Korea and the World Economy 20, no. 2:129–156. https://10.46665/kwe.2019.
– Seo, Hwan-Joo, Han-Sung Kim, and Young-Soo Lee. 2020. “The Dynamic Relationship between Inequality and Sustainable Economic Growth.” Sustainability 12, no. 14: 5740. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12145740.
– Ju, Seong-Hwan and Hwan-Joo Seo. 2019. “Study of the Effects of Co-Patent Network Factors on Technological Innovation: Focus on the IT Industry in Korea.” Journal of Technology Innovation. 25, no. 4:211–238. [주성환ㆍ서환주(2017), “공동 특허 출원인간 협력 요인이 기술혁신성과에 미치는 영향 분석: 우리나라 정보통신업을 중심으로.” 기술혁신연구, 25(4), 211∼238. https://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/103797.
– Seo, Hwan-Joo. 2017. “International Comparative Analysis of Welfare Regimes: Compatibility between Equility and Efficiency.” EUSA-KOREA. 22, no. 1:111–152. [서환주(2017), “복지레짐의 국제비교분석: 평등과 효율성의 양립가능성을 중심으로,” EU학 연구, 22(1), 111∼152.] https://repository.hanyang.ac.kr/handle/20.500.11754/103522.
– Yoon, Joeng-Hong and Jun-Yean Moon. 2019. “The moderating effect of buyer purchasing strategy on the relationship between supplier transaction-specific investment and supplier firm performance.” Journal of Business Research. 99 (June 2019):516–523. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.08.022.
Korean masters theses and doctoral dissertations
Graduate-level students in Korea publishing theses and dissertations in Korean must also include English abstracts with their deliveries. An abstract is a summary of the main points of the paper. However, poorly written English abstracts that don’t read naturally—or even communicate properly—greatly detract from the potential these papers have to make a wider impact. Over the years as a Korean academic translator, I have provided Korean academic translation services to Korean graduate students. I have also done so for non-Korean readers unable to understand the original English abstracts published with some Korean research.
Korean patents
Leading Korean companies are among the most innovative in the world, and Korean scientists innovate in a variety of fields. Thanks to the structure of the Korean economy, Korean inventions are particularly focused in automobiles, petrochemicals, semiconductors, telecommunications and other electronics, biotechnology, and others. I have been translating patents for many years and count myself an expert in patent translation. For more information, visit my page on Korean Intellectual Property Translation.