Tagged: Bragging Rights
New CAT Software; New Certification – memoQ translator pro
I just purchased memoQ translator pro which I am hoping will be a replacement for SDL Trados 2007, which I've been using for way too long. This is my certificate for the beginner course… As far as I know, the beginner course is the only one they currently offer as...
Topic Central Pages on Korea Business Central Now Called Topic Accelerators and Get an Overhaul
(Visit the KBC Topic Accelerator Pages directory.) Before: After:
Email Interview with Reporter from the Donga Ilbo Newspaper
I much prefer email interviews to verbal ones; that’s because I can keep and post my exact answers here even if the reporter ends up using only bits and pieces of what I provide. This is from an interview with the Donga Ilbo. <스티븐씨의 소개> Q. 동아일보 독자들에게 스티븐씨에 대한 간단한...
Q&A with Korea Herald About KBC and Starting or Running a Business in Korea as a Foreigner
The following is the bulk of the email interview on which much of today’s article published in the Korea Herald [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fnwww.koreaherald.com%2Fview.php%3Fud%3D20121210000572&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFlnRe_HkYdnatAGCMUoJInFgZBsA] is based. ———– 1. Based on your years of experience doing business here, how would you assess the level of support that the government (local...
The Korea Herald Quotes Steven Bammel in “Opaque, top-down system leaves some expats bitter”
I was quoted in the following article from the Korea Herald on October 29, 2012. Opaque, top-down system leaves some expats bitter Expert says problems more common at SMEs without HR departments Last year saw the total number of foreign workers in Korea surpass 700,000 for the first time, a...
Some Recent Client Testimonials
It’s always encouraging to hear nice things from clients… “Hi Steven,… Our Korean HR director looked over everything and says it all looks good. Thank you very much for your accurate and timely services. I will recommend you to other people in our company. Thanks,” Katherine Chapman, HR & Employee...
Interview on 1013 Main Street – “Essential Tips and Information for Doing Business Here in Korea”
I was recently interviewed by Ahn Junghyun of 1013 Main Street on TBSeFM 101.3Mhz here in Seoul. We discussed a number of topics related to business in Korea. Click here to listen to the radio interview [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED: https://koreanconsulting.typepad.com/files/111013_stevenbammel.mp3] Interview Transcript Interviewer: Steven Bammel came to Korea in the...
I Just Picked Up My Certificate of Translation Competence, Grade I
As mentioned in a previous posting, I recently passed the highest level certification exam for translation of Korean into English. Until now, I only had the online confirmation, but today I picked up the original certificate at the office of the Korean Society of Translators.