Classifications and taxonomies

Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC) – Service sector included in this study

Rev. 9 (2007–2017)

대분류 (section)중분류 (division)
– 소분류 (group)
[E] 하수·폐기물 처리, 원료재생 및 환경복원업Sewerage, waste management, materials recovery
and remediation activities
(37) 하수, 폐수 및 분뇨 처리업Sewage, wastewater and human waste treatment services
– (370) 하수, 폐수 및 분뇨 처리업Sewage, wastewater and human waste treatment services
(38) 폐기물 수집운반, 처리 및 원료재생업Waste collection, disposal and materials recovery
– (381) 폐기물 수집운반업Waste collection
– (382) 폐기물 처리업Waste treatment services
(39) 환경 정화 및 복원업Remediation activities and other waste management services
– (390) 환경 정화 및 복원업Remediation activities and other waste management services
[G] 도매 및 소매업Wholesale and retail trade
(45) 자동차 및 부품 판매업Sale of motor vehicles and parts
– (451) 자동차 판매업Sale of motor vehicles
– (452) 자동차 부품 및 내장품 판매업Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
– (453) 모터사이클 및 부품 판매업Sale of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
(46) 도매 및 상품중개업Wholesale Trade and Commission Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles
– (461) 상품 중개업Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
– (462) 산업용 농축산물 및 산동물 도매업Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals and plants
– (463) 음·식료품 및 담배 도매업Wholesale of food, beverages and tobaccos
– (464) 가정용품 도매업Wholesale of household goods
– (465) 기계장비 및 관련 물품 도매업Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
– (466) 건축자재, 철물 및 난방장치 도매업Wholesale of construction materials, hardware and heating and air conditioning equipment
– (467) 기타 전문 도매업Other specialized wholesale
– (468) 상품 종합 도매업Wholesale of non-specialized goods
(47) 소매업; 자동차 제외Retail trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles
– (471) 종합 소매업Retail sale in non-specialized stores
– (472) 음·식료품 및 담배 소매업Retail sale of foods, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores
Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods– (473) 정보통신장비 소매업Retail sale of information and communications equipment
– (474) 섬유, 의복, 신발 및 가죽제품 소매업Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods
– (475) 기타 가정용품 소매업Retail sale of other household equipment
– (476) 문화, 오락 및 여가 용품 소매업Retail sale of cultural, amusement and recreation goods
– (477) 연료 소매업Retail sale of fuel
– (478) 기타 상품 전문 소매업Retail sale in other specialized stores
– (479) 무점포 소매업Retail sale not in stores
[H] 운수업Transportation
(49) 육상운송 및 파이프라인 운송업Land transport; transport via pipelines
– (491) 철도운송업Interurban rail transportation
– (492) 육상 여객 운송업Transit and ground passenger transportation
– (493) 도로 화물 운송업Road freight transport
– (494) 소화물 전문 운송업Transport of parcels
– (495) 파이프라인 운송업Transport via pipelines
(50) 수상운송업Water transport
– (501) 해상 운송업Sea and coastal water transport
– (502) 내륙 수상 및 항만내 운송업Inland water and harbour passenger transport
(51) 항공운송업Air transport
– (511) 정기 항공 운송업Scheduled air transport
– (512) 부정기 항공 운송업Non-scheduled air transport
(52) 창고 및 운송 관련 서비스업Storage and support activities for transportation
– (521) 보관 및 창고업Warehousing
– (529) 기타 운송관련 서비스업Other services allied to transport agency
[I] 숙박 및 음식점업Accommodation and food service activities
(55) 숙박업Accommodation
– (551) 숙박시설 운영업Accommodation
– (559) 기타 숙박업Other accommodation
(56) 음식점 및 주점업Food and beverage service activities
– (561) 음식점업Restaurants, bars and canteens
– (562) 주점 및 비알콜음료점업Drinking places and non-alcoholic beverages places
[J] 출판, 영상, 방송통신 및 정보 서비스업Information and communications
(58) 출판업Publishing activities
– (581) 서적, 잡지 및 기타 인쇄물 출판업Publishing of books, magazines and other publications
– (582) 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업Software development and supply
(59) 영상, 오디오 기록물 제작 및 배급업Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
– (591) 영화, 비디오물, 방송프로그램 제작 및 배급업Motion picture, video, broadcasting programmes production and distribution
– (592) 오디오물 출판 및 원판 녹음업Audio publishing and original master recordings
(60) 방송업Broadcasting
– (601) 라디오 방송업Radio broadcasting
– (602) 텔레비전 방송업Television broadcasting
(61) 통신업Telecommunications
– (611) 우편업Postal services
– (612) 전기통신업Telecommunications
(62) 컴퓨터 프로그래밍, 시스템 통합 및 관리업Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
– (620) 컴퓨터 프로그래밍, 시스템 통합 및 관리업Computer programming, system integration and management services
(63) 정보 서비스업Information service activities
– (631) 자료처리, 호스팅, 포털 및 기타 인터넷 정보매개서비스업Data processing, hosting, portals and other Internet information media service activities
– (639) 기타 정보 서비스업Other information service activities n.e.c.
[K] 금융 및 보험업Financial and insurance activities
(64) 금융업Financial institutions, except insurance and pension funding
– (641) 은행 및 저축기관Banking and savings institutions
– (642) 투자기관Investment companies
– (649) 기타 금융업Other financial intermediation
(65) 보험 및 연금업Insurance and pension funding
– (651) 보험업Insurance
– (652) 재 보험업Reinsurance
– (653) 연금 및 공제업Pension fund and mutual aid organizations
(66) 금융 및 보험 관련 서비스업Activities auxiliary to financial service and insurance activities
– (661) 금융지원 서비스업Activities auxiliary to financial service activities
– (662) 보험 및 연금관련 서비스업Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
[L] 부동산업 및 임대업Real estate activities and renting and leasing
(68) 부동산업Real estate activities
– (681) 부동산 임대 및 공급업Real estate activities with own or leased property
– (682) 부동산 관련 서비스업Activities related to real estate
(69) 임대업; 부동산제외Renting and leasing; except real estate
– (691) 운송장비 임대업Renting of transport equipment
– (692) 개인 및 가정용품 임대업Renting of personal and household goods
– (693) 산업용 기계 및 장비 임대업Renting of industrial machinery and equipment
– (694) 무형재산권 임대업Leasing of intangible property
[M] 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업Professional, scientific and technical activities
(70) 연구개발업Research and development
– (701) 자연과학 및 공학 연구개발업Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
– (702) 인문 및 사회과학 연구개발업Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
(71) 전문 서비스업Professional services
– (711) 법무관련 서비스업Legal services
– (712) 회계 및 세무관련 서비스업Accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparatoin, bookkeeping and payroll services
– (713) 광고업Advertising
– (714) 시장조사 및 여론조사업Market research and public opinion polling
– (715) 회사본부, 지주회사 및 경영컨설팅 서비스업Activities of head offices, holding companies and management consultancy
(72) 건축기술, 엔지니어링 및 기타 과학기술 서비스업Architectural, engineering and other scientific technical services
– (721) 건축기술, 엔지니어링 및 관련기술 서비스업Architectural, engineering and related technical services
– (729) 기타 과학기술 서비스업Other scientific and technical services
(73) 기타 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업Other professional, scientific and technical activities, n.e.c.
– (731) 수의업Veterinary activities
– (732) 전문디자인업Specialized design activities
– (733) 사진 촬영 및 처리업Photographic activities
– (739) 그외 기타 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업Other professional, scientific and technical services n.e.c.
[N] 사업시설관리 및 사업지원 서비스업Business facilities management and business support services
(74) 사업 시설 관리 및 조경 서비스업Business facilities management and landscape services
– (741) 사업시설 유지관리 서비스업Business facilities support management services
– (742) 건물·산업설비 청소 및 방제 서비스업Cleaning and pest control services of building and industrial facilities
– (743) 조경 관리 및 유지 서비스업Landscape care and maintenance service activities
(75) 사업지원 서비스업Business support services
– (751) 인력공급 및 고용알선업Provision of human resources and activities of employment placement agencies
– (752) 여행사 및 기타 여행보조 서비스업Activities of travel agencies and tour operators and tourist assistance activities
– (753) 경비, 경호 및 탐정업Security, guard and detective services
– (759) 기타 사업지원 서비스업Other business support services
[P] 교육 서비스업Education
(85) 교육 서비스업Education
– (851) 초등 교육기관Primary education
– (852) 중등 교육기관Secondary education
– (853) 고등 교육기관Higher education
– (854) 특수학교, 외국인학교 및 대안학교Schools for the handicapped and foreigners, alternative schools
– (855) 일반 교습 학원General private educational institutes
– (856) 기타 교육기관Adult and other education
– (857) 교육지원 서비스업Educational support activities
[Q] 보건업 및 사회복지 서비스업Human health and social work activities
(86) 보건업Human health
– (861) 병원Hospital activities
– (862) 의원Medical and dental practice activities
– (863) 공중 보건 의료원Public health centers
– (869) 기타 보건업Other human health activities
(87) 사회복지 서비스업Social work activities
– (871) 거주 복지시설 운영업Residential welfare facilities activities
– (872) 비거주 복지시설 운영업Non-residential welfare facilities activities
[R] 예술, 스포츠 및 여가관련 서비스업Arts, sports and recreation related services
(90) 창작, 예술 및 여가관련 서비스업Creative, arts and recreation related services
– (901) 창작 및 예술관련 서비스업Creative and arts related services
– (902) 도서관, 사적지 및 유사 여가관련 서비스업Library, historical sites and buildings and similar recreation related services
(91) 스포츠 및 오락관련 서비스업Sports activities and amusement activities
– (911) 스포츠 서비스업Sports services
– (912) 유원지 및 기타 오락관련 서비스업Amusement and theme park operation
[S] 협회 및 단체, 수리 및 기타 개인 서비스업Membership organizations, repair and other personal services
(94) 협회 및 단체Membership organizations
– (941) 산업 및 전문가 단체Business, employers and professional
– (942) 노동조합Labour organizations
– (949) 기타 협회 및 단체Other membership organizations
(95) 수리업Maintenance and repair services
– (951) 기계 및 장비 수리업Maintenance and repair services of machinery and equipment
– (952) 자동차 및 모터사이클 수리업Maintenance and repair services of motor vehicles and motorcycles
– (953) 개인 및 가정용품 수리업Repair services of personal and household goods
(96) 기타 개인 서비스업Other personal services activities
– (961) 미용, 욕탕 및 유사 서비스업Personal care services
– (969) 그 외 기타 개인 서비스업Other personal service activities n.e.c.

Rev. 8 (2000–2007)

[D] 제조업Manufacturing
(22) 출판, 인쇄 및 기록매체 복제업Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media
– (221) 출판업Publishing
[G] 도매 및 소매업Wholesale and retail trade
(50) 자동차 판매 및 차량연료 소매업Sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles; retail sale of automobile fuel
– (501) 자동차 판매업Sale of motor vehicles
– (502) 자동차 부품 및 부속품 판매업Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
– (503) 이륜자동차 및 부품 판매업Sale of motorcycles and related parts and accessories
– (504) 차량용 연료 소매업Retail sale of automotive fuel
(51) 도매 및 상품 중개업Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
– (511) 상품 중개업Wholesale on a fee or contract basis
– (512) 산업용 농축산물 및 산동물 도매업Wholesale of agricultural raw materials and live animals
– (513) 음․식료품 및 담배 도매업Wholesale of food, beverages and tobaccos
– (514) 가정용품 도매업Wholesale of household goods
– (515) 건축자재 및 철물 도매업Wholesale of construction materials and hardware
– (516) 금속광물 및 1차 금속제품 도매업Wholesale of metal ores and basic metals
– (517) 기타 산업용중간재 및 재생재료 도매업Wholesale of other intermediate products, waste and scrap
– (518) 기계장비 및 관련용품 도매업Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
– (519) 기타 도매업Wholesale of other goods
(52) 소매업; 자동차 제외Retail trade, except motor vehicles and motorcycles
– (521) 종합 소매업Retail sale in non-specialized stores
– (522) 음․식료품 및 담배 소매업Retail sale of foods, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores
– (523) 의약품, 의료용 기구 및 화장품 소매업Retail sale of pharmaceuticals and medical equipments, cosmetics and toilet articles
– (524) 섬유, 의복, 신발 및 가죽제품 소매업Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods
– (525) 가전제품, 가구 및 가정용품 소매업Retail sale of electrical household appliances, furniture and household appliances
– (526) 기타 상품 전문 소매업Retail sale in other specialized stores
– (527) 중고품 소매업Retail sale of used goods in stores
– (528) 무점포 소매업Retail sale not in stores
[H] 숙박 및 음식점업Hotels and restaurants
(55) 숙박 및 음식점업Hotels and restaurants
– (551) 숙박업Accommodation
– (552) 음식점업Restaurants, bars and canteens
[I] 운수업Transport
(60) 육상 운송 및 파이프라인 운송업Land transport; transport via pipelines
– (601) 철도 운송업Interurban rail transportation
– (602) 육상 여객 운송업Transit and ground passenger transportation
– (603) 도로 화물 운송업Road freight transport
– (604) 파이프라인 운송업Transport via pipelines
(61) 수상 운송업Water transport
– (611) 해상 운송업Sea and coastal water transport
– (612) 내륙 수상 운송업Inland water transport
(62) 항공 운송업Air transport
– (621) 정기 항공 운송업Scheduled air transport
– (622) 부정기 항공 운송업Non-scheduled air transport and airplane rental with operator
(63) 여행알선, 창고 및 운송관련 서비스업Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies
– (631) 화물 취급업Cargo handling
– (632) 창고업Warehousing
– (633) 여행사 및 기타 여행 보조업Activities of travel agencies and tour operators; tourist assistance activities
– (639) 기타 운송관련 서비스업Other services allied to transport agency
[J] 통신업Post and telecommunications
(64) 통신업Post and telecommunications
– (641) 우편 및 소포 송달업Postal services and couriers
– (642) 전기 통신업Telecommunications
[K] 금융보헙업Financial institutions and insurance
(65) 금융업Financial institutions, except insurance and pension funding
– (651) 통화 금융기관Money-creating institutions
– (659) 비 통화 금융기관Non-money-creating institutions
(66) 보험 및 연금업Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
– (660) 보험 및 연금업Insurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security
(67) 금융 및 보험관련 서비스업Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation
– (671) 금융관련 서비스업Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funding
– (672) 보험 및 연금관련 서비스업Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding
[L] 부동산업 및 임대업Real estate and renting and leasing
(70) 부동산업Real estate activities
– (701) 부동산 임대 및 공급업Real estate activities with own or leased property
– (702) 부동산관련 서비스업Activities related to real estate
(71) 기계장비 및 소비용품 임대업Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods
– (711) 운송장비 임대업Renting of transport equipment
– (712) 산업용 기계장비 임대업Renting of machinery and equipment
– (713) 개인 및 가정용품 임대업Renting of personal and household goods
[M] 사업 서비스업Business activities
(72) 정보처리 및 기타 컴퓨터 운영 관련업Computer and related activities
– (721) 컴퓨터시스템 설계 및 자문업Computer system design and consultancy
– (722) 소프트웨어 자문, 개발 및 공급업Software consultancy and supply
– (723) 자료처리 및 컴퓨터시설 관리업Data processing and computer facilities management services
– (724) 데이터베이스 및 온라인 정보제공업Database activities and on-line information provision services
– (729) 기타 컴퓨터 운영 관련업Other computer activities
(73) 연구 및 개발업Research and development
– (731) 자연과학 연구 개발업Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering
– (732) 인문 및 사회과학 연구 개발업Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities
(74) 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업Professional, scientific and technical services
– (741) 법무 및 회계관련 서비스업Legal, accounting and tax preparation services
– (742) 시장조사 및 경영상담업Market research and management consulting services
– (743) 건축기술 및 엔지니어링 서비스업Architectural, engineering services
– (744) 과학 및 기술 서비스업Scientific and technical services
– (745) 광고업Advertising
– (746) 전문 디자인업Specialized design services
– (749) 기타 전문, 과학 및 기술 서비스업Other professional, scientific and technical services
(75) 사업지원 서비스업Business support services
– (751) 사업시설 유지관리 및 고용 서비스업Facilities support and employment services
– (759) 기타 사업지원 서비스업Other business support services
[O] 교육 서비스업Education
(80) 교육 서비스업Education
– (801) 초등 교육기관Primary education
– (802) 중등 교육기관Secondary education
– (803) 고등 교육기관Higher education
– (804) 특수학교 및 외국인학교Schools for the handicapped and foreigners
– (809) 기타 교육기관Adult and other education
[P] 보건 및 사회복지사업Health and social work
(85) 보건업Human health and veterinary activities
– (851) 의료업Human health activities
– (852) 수의업Veterinary activities
(86) 사회복지사업Social work activities
– (861) 수용 복지시설Social work activities with accommodation
– (862) 비수용 복지시설Special works without accommodation
[Q] 오락, 문화 및 운동관련산업Recreational, cultural and sporting activities
(87) 영화, 방송 및 공연 산업Motion picture, broadcasting and performing arts industries
– (871) 영화 산업Motion picture industries
– (872) 방송업Broadcasting
– (873) 공연산업Performing arts industries
(88) 기타 오락, 문화 및 운동관련 산업Other recreational, cultural and sporting activities
– (881) 뉴스 제공업News agency activities
– (882) 도서관, 기록보존소, 박물관 및 기타 문화관련 산업Library, archives, museums and other cultural activities
– (883) 경기 및 오락 스포츠업Sports and other recreational sports services
– (889) 기타 오락관련 사업Other recreational activities
[R] 기타 공공, 수리 및 개인서비스업Other community, repair and personal service activities
(90) 하수처리, 폐기물처리 및 청소관련 서비스업Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities
– (901) 하수, 분뇨 및 축산폐기물 처리업Sewage, human and animal waste treatment services
– (902) 폐기물 수집운반 및 처리업Waste collection and disposal
– (903) 공공장소 청소 및 유사 서비스업Sanitation and similar activities
(91) 회원 단체Membership organizations n.e.c.
– (911) 산업 및 전문가 단체Business and professional organizations
– (912) 노동조합Labour organizations
– (919) 기타 회원 단체Other membership organizations
(92) 수리업Maintenance and repair services
– (921) 기계장비 수리업Maintenance and repair services of machinery and equipiment
– (922) 자동차 및 이륜 자동차 수리업Maintenance and repair services of motor vehicles, and motorcycles
– (923) 개인 및 가정용품 수리업Repair services of personal and household goods
(93) 기타 서비스업Other service activities
– (931) 미용, 욕탕 및 유사 서비스업Personal care services
– (939) 그외 기타 서비스업Other service activities n.e.c.

Classifications introduced in this study

27-Service-Business Classification

I 환대업Hospitality
II 교육서비스업 – 공식Education (formal)
III 교육서비스업 – 비공식Education (informal)
IV 보건업Health
V 사회복지 서비스업Social services
VI 예술, 스포츠 및 여가관련 서비스업Arts, sports, and leisure
VII 협회 및 단체업Membership organizations
VIII 기타 개인 서비스업Miscellaneous personal services
IX 자동차 및 부품 판매업Sale of motor vehicles and parts
X 도매 및 상품중개업General wholesale and brokerage
XI 소매업General retail
XII 육상 운송업 – 물자Land transport (goods)
XIII 육상 운송업 – 여객Land transport (passengers)
XIV 수상 운송업Water transport
XV 항공 운송업Air transport
XVI 운송관련 지원 서비스업Transport-related support services
XVII 부동산 및 부동산 임대업Real estate and real estate leasing
XVIII 비부동산 임대업Non-real estate leasing
XIX 미디어업Media
XX 통신업Telecommunications
XXI 정보 서비스업Information services
XXII 비보험 금융업Non-insurance finance
XXIII 보험업Insurance
XXIV 연구개발업Research and development
XXV 지식전문 서비스업Professional knowledge services
XXVI 사업지원 서비스업Business support services
XXVII 위생 서비스업Sanitation services


소상공인 밀집형 업종sosanggongin
-crowded business types
소상공인 비밀집형 업종sosanggongin
-uncrowded business types
자영업률이 높은 서비스업
고자영업률 공급자-지배적 서비스High self-employment supplier-dominated servicesHSD
고자영업률 물적 기반시설 서비스High self-employment physical infrastructure servicesHPI
고자영업률 네트워크 기반시설 서비스High self-employment network infrastructure servicesHNI
자영업률이 낮은 서비스업
저자영업률 공급자-지배적 서비스Low self-employment supplier-dominated servicesLSD
저자영업률 물적 기반시설 서비스Low self-employment physical infrastructure servicesLPI
저자영업률 네트워크 기반시설 서비스Low self-employment network infrastructure servicesLNI
지식-집약적 비즈니스 서비스Knowledge-intensive business servicesKBS
영업률이 사실상 0인 산업Zero self-employment service industriesZ

Innovation taxonomies


개인 제품과 서비스Personal goods and services
– 공급자-지배적 제품– Supplier-dominated goods
– 공급자-지배적 서비스– Supplier-dominated services
대량 생산 제품Mass production goods
– 규모-집약적 (제품)– Scale-intensive (goods)
– 과학-기반적 (제품)– Science-based (goods)
기반시설 서비스Infrastructural services
– 물적 기반시설– Physical infrastructure
– 네트웍 기반시설– Network infrastructure
첨단지식 제공자Advanced knowledge providers
– 전문 공급자– Specialised suppliers
– 지식-집약적 비즈니스 서비스– Knowledge-intensive business services

Soette & Miezo

공급자 지배적 산업Supplier dominatedFurther sub-divided in this study into Supplier dominated (personal services) [공급자 지배적 산업 (개인 서비스)] and Supplier dominated (public and social services) [공급자 지배적 산업 (공공 및 사회서비스)]
규모 집약적 물질 네트워크 산업Scale-intensive physical networks
정보 네트워크 산업Information networks
전문 공급 산업Specialized suppliers/science based

Vence & Trigo

저혁신Low innovation
기술집약 및 중혁신형Technology intense and medium innovation
지식 및 혁신집약형Knowledge and innovation intense