Tagged: korea studies

“New” is the “New Old” in Korea Today

Koreans are reclaiming their history in a big way. When I first arrived in the mid-90s, I remember thinking that if Korea could put together a public relations machine like Japan’s, they would really raise their profile in the world. As Koreans have a lot to be proud of, it’s...

Announcing the GyeongGi Province Experience!

To learn about GyeongGi Province, there are many great English-language resources on the web. A good place to start would be Wikipedia. Just going to Google and typing in “gyeonggi province” gets another long list of sites. Be sure to try alternate spellings too: kyunggi province, kyeonggi province, kyeongki province, kyonggi...

The New Chinese Province of Chosun

The Lost Tribe of China There’s a lot of talk in Korea about the way Korean history is being taught in Japan. The two countries don’t usually see eye-to-eye about Japanese colonial rule of Korea between 1910 and 1945. Lately, the debate around whether or not Japan had an official...

Book Review: Ethnic Nationalism in Korea, by Gi-Wook Shin

For some reason, I never really took much notice of the nationalism that pervades Korean society. I mean, Koreans are patriotic. But who isn’t? Where I come from, the US (well, Texas, actually) is the center of the world, so why should I be surprised by Koreans who think their...

Book Review: The Koreans by Michael Breen

I came to Korea too late. It's just that simple. I came as soon as I could, of course, which was straight after university graduation in the US, but I missed out on seeing the "old Korea". It was the Korea of anti-Americanism, the Korea of poverty, the Korea of...

“Long Live Korea!” – The Legend of Hong Soo-hwan’s Comeback Win

“Long Live Korea!” – The Legend of Hong Soo-hwan’s Comeback Win

I discussed and translated an article [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED: https://article.joins.com/article/article.asp?total_id=3895261] from the Jungang Daily newspaper last week in this post of Nojeok Hill: My View from the Top. Here is the (almost) full Korean source followed by the translation. It was nice to work on a translation project where I was the...