Monthly Archive: December 2012

2013 New Year’s Greetings

1. 희망찬 새해를 맞이하여 만사형통을 진심으로 기원드립니다. —– 2. 희망 가득한 새해를 맞이하여 언제나 건강과 행복을 기원합니다. 올해 베풀어 주신 은혜에 깊이 감사드리며 2013년에도 [our company] 에 변함없는 성원을 부탁드립니다. 새해 복 많이 받으십시오. —– 3. 지난 한 해 [our company]에 보여 주신 사랑에 고개숙여 감사드립니다. 올해도 기대에 보답하는 [our...

S-Oil’s New Mascot: Mr. Gu Do-Il

As seen at S-Oil, across from Homeplus in Ansan. [Top section of photo] Gu Do-Il is riding. Giddyup ~ Giddyup~ Gu Do-Il is riding and he's full of energy and doesn't get tired! [Bottom section of photo] Good – "Gu D", Oil – "o-Il" = Gu Do-Il [Get it?  "Good Oil"]...

Tips for Handling Your Korean Translations (Tips #1-8)

Tips for Handling Your Korean Translations (Tips #1-8)

Over the last several months, I've posted seven translation tips here, each with a Best Practices Tip, to help readers and translation clients handle their Korean-language projects better. In case you missed any of them, here they are again. (BTW, most of these will take you less than 30 seconds...

Build a Business in Korea: “Knowing Korea has a reputation for being difficult, what do I need to be “warned about” when it comes to working with vendors, suppliers, and service providers in Korea?”

The following was extracted from a recent interview with me about how to build a business in a Korean company.    “Knowing Korea has a reputation for being difficult, what do I need to be “warned about” when it comes to working with vendors, suppliers, and service providers in Korea?”...

What’s Wrong with Teaching English in Korea?

What’s Wrong with Teaching English in Korea?

A KBC member sent me the following question last week: Hello Steven, Thank you for this website.  It's an extremely valuable, interactive and informative place for people like me looking for work in Korea. I'm 38 Korean American who came to the States when I was 14 (back in 1988)....