Monthly Archive: October 2009

Nojeok Hill, My View from the Top – On the Campaign Trail

Myunghee and I arrived at Nojeok Hill around 6am this morning and started our walk along the perimeter trail in the dark. About a hundred yards down, we came across Candidate #7, Kim Seok-Gyoon, handing out campaign cards under a park lamp. As luck would have it, I had brought...

Korean President Park Jung-Hee: Thirty Years Later

Park Jung-Hee had been in power in Korea a little over two years at the time of JFK's assassination in 1963. Sixteen years later on this day, October 26, 1979, Park was also shot dead while still president. Today, not unlike the way Americans remember Kennedy, many Koreans look back...

Commentary on Translation Situations in a Legal Job

Commentary on Translation Situations in a Legal Job

1. In translating emails, there was footer content which had nothing to do with the case. But we can’t just skip it as if it doesn’t exist. The translation team simply cut-and-pasted the graphic from the PDF with a comment that the text was regarding looking for missing children. This...

Translating Addresses on Asian-Language Business Cards

Translating Addresses on Asian-Language Business Cards

Client question about his Japanese business card:  Is it normal for the address on the Japanese side to be translated?  Obviously if this address was used in Kanji the USPS would have some difficulty in delivering it.   My answer: You are right that the address translated on the Japanese...

Issues in Calculating Rates for K>E Translation Jobs

Issues in Calculating Rates for K>E Translation Jobs

  A client sent me this recently: We are trying to standardize our pricing and base everything on source words. I understand for into English documents, you usually charge based on the target English word count or based on a flat rate that is agreed upon in advance. Would you...