Tagged: Food & Drink

More Makgeolli without Aspartame

My favorite brand of makgeolli is still Baehyejeong Buja, but it's not the carbonated type. For those who prefer that extra zing on the tongue but want to avoid the aspartame, here's a brand to look for. The red text at the bottom on the second photo below says: "Fresh...

The Seaweed Chuseok Gift from GAFIC

One of the benefits of being a consultant to the Gyeonggi Province of Foreign Invested Companies is that they do nice things for me. Here's the latest in the form of a Chuseok gift:

Duck Restaurant at Banweol Lake Near Ansan

On our way out to Mr. Toilet House in Suweon a week or so ago, we stopped by Banweol Lake, a nice 15-minute drive from our house outside Ansan. It's not one of the prettiest parks around, seeing as how it's surrounded on all sides now by highways and the...

Yeah! Forty More Bottles of My Favorite Makgeolli!

This is my favorite brand of makgeolli but it's not available in Ansan, except in limited quantities of just one of five flavors at Emart, clear on the other side of the city. But I've got connections… and just got in a shipment of 40 more bottles this week… Note...

Homemade Ginseng Liquor

Recipe: Get a big bottle of clear, cheap, relatively tasteless but extremely high alchohol-content liquid at the grocery store and pour it into this purpose-built jar. Add a couple roots of ginseng and let sit for a year. Turns into ginseng-flavored liquor… Good stuff!