Tagged: In and Near Ansan

Sunset Over Ansan and Over Two Hundred Extra Empty Bedrooms

As seen from Nojeok hill last night, most of the missing from the Sewol ferry disaster lived within the area shown below. Danwon High School, where the missing students attended, is located right behind the hill in the center of the photo (below the position of the setting sun).

The Latest on the Ansan Creek Improvement Project

This is taking forever; the three-year project was supposed to finish last year. But now, in our fourth year, they are at least making slow but steady progress and I'm looking forward to the walking/bicycle paths to be finished.

Political Signs Around Town

Koreans are all "one people", which is why they all think alike about politics, and that leads to political harmony across the nation at all times. It's not even election time, but the following signs were seen around Ansan recently. The Democratic Party asks, "A year since the presidential election,...