In my latest column for Seoul Magazine’s December issue, I discuss why drinking on business can be very good for your business in Korea. To go deeper into this topic, visit the links below:
Crash Course on Korea Business Success Strategies (Lesson #6 discusses drinking etiquette.)
- Topic Central Page on Korea Business Central: Korean Business Savvy
- Discussion on Korea Business Central: “What One Word Would You Use to Represent Korea” [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] (Includes various explanations of the concept of “jeong”.)
- Photoblog post: “For a Ride Home, Call Zero-Three-One, Death-Death-Death, Death-Death-Death-Death” (Explains the “alternate driver service” mentioned below.)
- Photoblog post: “What is Your Favorite Makgeolli? [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]”
- Blog post collection: The Korean Alcohol Chronicles: With Special Consideration for Magkeolli
Here are a few additional thoughts I didn’t have room to include in the main article:
- Those meeting for meals in Korea who do not drink or don’t drink much are always the focus of curious and disappointed attention and generally find themselves sidelined from the main flow of conversation.
- A seasoned pro in the Korean drinking culture should be able to rattle off (and be prepared to prove) the number of mililiters of beer or bottles of soju that he can drink in one sitting, with the same confidence that a Korean might recite their average bowling score or golf handicap.
- Finally, you can completely forget about the “designated driver” concept, too. Korea has a fantastic public transport system, cheap taxis and a nifty service where, for a few dollars, you can call a central number and they’ll dispatch someone to come and drive you and your car home before disappearing into the night after you all reach your destination.