Monthly Archive: June 2010

Roses in Seongpo-Dong Near Nojeok Hill

On the way back from Nojeok Hill in the morning, I often pass by this spot. The entire road here is lined with rose bushes though and for several weeks in May and June, it's really beautiful. This photo's a little old though; rose season has passed now.  

A Few More Thoughts on Learning Korean (Part 5 of 5)

What Doesn’t Help as Much As I Wish It Would Having a Korean Wife Many Koreans who have been impressed with my Korean ability thought it only natural that I’d be improving my Korean thanks to Myunghee’s help. But frankly, I feel that the language learning benefits have been relatively...

I’m Studying Korean This Way Now (Part 4 of 5)

I Force Myself Into Korean-Language Situations One of my primary goals in studying for a masters degree at Hanyang University in Ansan (see photo below of me in front of the Business Administration Building) is to improve my Korean. This purpose almost comes in at a higher priority than the...

Chukong 10 Complex Apartment Painting

Chukong 10 Complex is right across the street from Artist Apartments, where we live, and is along the path I take to Nojeok Hill each morning.  Recently they repainted the buildings, which is something they do about every ten years. I'd say we're about ready for a new paint job...