Monthly Archive: March 2013

Korean Translation Tip: Pitfalls of Handling Acronyms in Korean Translations

Korean Translation Tip: Pitfalls of Handling Acronyms in Korean Translations

Today’s tip is about acronyms, which can cause trouble on Korean translation [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] work. Here’s an example of an English acronyms on a Korean-to-English translation [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] job. I was editing an English translation of a Korean academic paper [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] about intellectual...

Q&A with American Businessperson about Gift-Giving in Korea

Q&A with American Businessperson about Gift-Giving in Korea

Having published my executive report “The Top Ten Gifts to Give in Korea to Make a Great Impression”, I get a steady flow of questions asking me for advice in specific gift-giving situations. Here’s a question I received recently: “I am an American businessman meeting with a Korean company Chungbuk...