Monthly Archive: October 2011

Weekend Trip to Gangweon Province (4 of 6) – Korea DMZ Peace-Life Valley

One of the nice things about driving around the Korean countryside at random without a fixed itinerary is unexpectedly coming across gems along the way. The Korea DMZ Peace-Life Valley [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] right up near the DMZ focuses on educating visitors about the unspoilt nature within the DMZ,...

More Makgeolli without Aspartame

My favorite brand of makgeolli is still Baehyejeong Buja, but it's not the carbonated type. For those who prefer that extra zing on the tongue but want to avoid the aspartame, here's a brand to look for. The red text at the bottom on the second photo below says: "Fresh...

Interview on 1013 Main Street – “Essential Tips and Information for Doing Business Here in Korea”

I was recently interviewed by Ahn Junghyun of 1013 Main Street on TBSeFM 101.3Mhz here in Seoul. We discussed a number of topics related to business in Korea. Click here to listen to the radio interview [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] Interview Transcript Interviewer:  Steven Bammel came to Korea in the...