Monthly Archive: June 2011

An Example of Long-Term Business Networking in Korea

An Example of Long-Term Business Networking in Korea

I’m often a little surprised how easy people think doing business in Korea is going to be as a foreigner. Sure, teaching English is a piece of cake. But to move beyond this takes a long-term time-horizon and hard work. I was contacted by a member on KBC asking about...

The Kids’ New Fish Aquarium at the House

They even named the fish and put them on teams: Treasure's Team – "Yellowy", "Mickey", "Mickey Fish" and "Ms. Cleaner".  Cauvery's Team – "Speed", "Devil", "Angel" and "Mixmy" Some of the "team members" are already dead…

Myunghee’s “Weekend Farm”

It's only been a couple generations since Korea was primarily an agrarian economy and Koreans remember that era with some sense of nostalgia. Many Koreans in the city maintain what are called "weekend farms" located on vacant land near the city which the owners have subdivided into plots and rented...

Announcing the New KBC Sports Bag!

Korea Business Central is now offering this sports bag in collaboration with the Kangdonghee Basketball Club. All you have to do is join a basketball team like Cauvery did and you can have one too!

Governor Was Out at Hanyang University in Ansan

The Governor was out at Hanyang University in Ansan about a month ago and I made sure to show up too. He saw me and came over to shake my hand, but with so many other people around, I think he was just going out of his way to show...

Duck Restaurant at Banweol Lake Near Ansan

On our way out to Mr. Toilet House in Suweon a week or so ago, we stopped by Banweol Lake, a nice 15-minute drive from our house outside Ansan. It's not one of the prettiest parks around, seeing as how it's surrounded on all sides now by highways and the...