Monthly Archive: March 2011

I Visited Two Korean Provincial Government Offices in One Week!

On Monday of last week, I was in Daejeon for meetings and dropped by the office of a former colleague from my days at LG International. He now runs the foreign investment office of the South Choongcheong Provincial Government and his office is located in a beautiful old Japanese colonial...

The Short Walk Home From Work in Ansan

The Short Walk Home From Work in Ansan

This is the route I take from office to home each day. It usually takes about 12 minutes, but today, due to a long wait at one crosswalk, it took an extra minute. It's an action-packed walk; see if you can identify the following scenes in sequence (or not). 1....

Get a Job at the Top of Nojeok Hill

Isn't it nice that someone posted this right at the summit of the hill? I guess they figure people who actually make the effort to reach the top are good prospects for the business opportunity, which sounds suspiciously like an MLM thing. Information about Part-Time Work, Business, Two-Job Work Officeworkers,...

“I’m Just Happy to Help Anywhere I Can” – Article About Me In the Chosun Ilbo Newspaper Today

The following short article about me appeared in the Chosun Ilbo today: [수도권I] [경기도 이 사람] “내 도움 필요한 곳이면 어디든 OK” 입력 : 2011.03.10 23:01 [경기도 이 사람] 외국인투자유치 자문관 스티븐 밤멜 한국은 우리가족의 나라… 안산, 특히 살기좋은 곳 “잘 다니는 산이 있고, 길 안 막히고, 집값은 서울보다 싸고,...