North Korea

North Korea: an unknown land of an almost unbelievable political, social and economic system. This Topic Central Page with get you started in the right direction to learn about North Korea and jump into discussions with others about about North Korea. Whether you are a beginner at living in Korea or an expert, there will be something here for you.

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“The North Korean Economy & Its Impact on South Korea” [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

with Marcus Noland, author of Avoiding the Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas

Top Information on Korea Business Central

The Korea 9.9 with Daniel

Weekly Podcast: The Korea 9.9 with Daniel

“I understand/do not understand recent North Korean events and here’s why.” [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

Top Legacy Discussions

North Korean Revolution? [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] “Red Star”: North Korea’s own Operating System[EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]
Sinking of the Cheonan [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] Marcus Noland on North Korean Refugees and Economy [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]
North Korea Shells Yeonpyeong Island[EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] History of North Korea in Video Games [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]
Marcus Noland on Yeonpyeong Island Incident [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] Kim Jong-Il is Dead: What Do You Think? What’s Next?[EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]
News (Jan 2010): DPRK Lifts Travel Ban on Americans [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] The North Korea Policy Forum International Seminar – “Responding to the Consolidation of Economic Cooperation Between North Korea and China”[EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

KBC Experts Who Can Help

Experts Corner: Ask Dr. Leonid Petrov What’s Going on in North Korea [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

Other KBC Resources

  • Travels in North and South Korea (picture album) [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

Other Online Communities

  • North Korea Forum [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:](LinkedIn)

Top Websites about North Korea

North Korean Economy Watch


NK News

Daily NK

Expert Commentary at Nojeok Hill: My View from the Top: On North Korea
By Steven S. Bammel and Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc.

Books and Other Special Resources

Avoiding the Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas
by Marcus Noland

Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader
by Bradley K. Martin

Steven’s rating:

Got a book recommendation? Disagree with Steven’s book reviews here or elsewhere? Discuss these and other books about Korea and Korean business. [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

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