What to Expect
Section 13 boasts the enjoyment of walking across the beautiful valley of Agyang-Myeon, and one of the two optional paths here goes by 최참판대 of the Toji (토지) series of novels. From there, the hike up to the top of the mountain ridge is pretty intense, but the path is pretty short and there are a lot of nice accommodation options on the road down from Weonbukcheon.
Getting There
Take the bus from elsewhere in the country to Hadong or Gurye and then get to Daechuk Weonbucheon by the buses the ply the road between Hadong and Gurye. It's also about an hour walk from both Daechuk and Weonbucheon to Hwagae, which has it's own small inter-city bus station
More Information
- Jirisan DulleBoGo has not yet published information in English on this section.
- View photos at Travelogue: Sections 12-13 and More – From Hadong Center to Weonbucheon Village (October 26-28, 2013)