The following snippet from one of my lectures in the KBC Professional Certification Program is now part of the ebook Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea!
Purchase and download on Amazon. [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]
From the lecture in Chapter 7 of Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea!
“If you’ve been in Korea for awhile and you haven’t been culturally astute (I’m sure this doesn’t apply to you, since you’ve gotten this far into our course!), you may have thought that eating out with Koreans is surprisingly cheap… It seems the Koreans are always arguing amongst themselves to pay for the meal, but nobody ever puts their hand out to collect from you, right?
“Oh boy…. I hope you don’t think Korea is the land of the free meal… Because if that’s what you think, then for you, it’s also the land of the short relationship…
Get the rest of this article in Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea! [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]