
Koreans are all about nostalgia for the 70s and 80s, and not much brings back those memories than the 포장마차 (shortened to 포차 or "Pocha"), which is basically a plastic tarp-covered food wagon that vendors used to set up in the streets in the evenings. There're still a few around, but most are getting zoned out of existence, and in Ansan at least, a good number of restaurants are trying to recreate the experience by calling themselves Pochas (even though they're not). All of these places have "pocha" in their names.



Steven Bammel

Steven S. Bammel is president and chief translator/consultant at Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc. A graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (B.B.A. Economics) and Hanyang University (M.S. Management Strategy), Steven has worked for over twenty years in Korean business and translation. | more about Steven

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