Nojeok (pronounced: “No-juck”) Hill is located in Ansan, Korea:
Note: All the graphics on this page can be enlarged by clicking on them.
There’s not a whole lot about Nojeok Hill that’s particularly remarkable. But I’ve had a connection with it for 15+ years since I first moved to Ansan to teach English back on December 28, 2003. Though Nojeok is pretty short (I can climb it in less than 10 minutes), the top still gives me a view of most of the places I’ve lived, worked and studied during my time in Korea:
Here’s a map of Ansan showing another perspective of the location of Nojeok Hill in relation to important places for me in the area:
Because of Nojeok Hill’s proximity to wherever I’ve lived in Korea, and because it’s been developed into a very nice park, I’ve been a frequent visitor over the years. I can still remember back in 1997 when they were first putting down the walking trail which circles the hill, we thought it was a road and so Myunghee and I drove clear around it one afternoon. At the time, nobody else was on the trail; today it enjoys a steady and daily stream of people.
Though Nojeok Hill is notable for its ordinariness, its view of Ansan means that my vantage point from the summit gives me a window into understanding and explaining a good bit of modern Korean history.
A couple weblog posts of note that show the area around Nojeok Hill:
I’ve also got here a 13-minute video showing the walk from my office to home (shown in the maps above). This isn’t quite the Nojeok Hill area, but it connects with “A Drive Around” video above at the final intersection before reaching our apartment complex.
Finally, for an overview and birds-eye photos of Seongpo-Dong, the neighborhood in which Nojeok Hill Park is located, as well as where we live, click here.