Garage Sale on Saturday

Before returning to Korea this year, we decided to have a garage sale and get rid of as much unneeded stuff as possible. The event was a huge success,with beautiful weather.

We sold virtually everything: freezer, kimchi refrigerator, Hyundai Elantra, trampoline, air conditioner, aquarium and children's bicycles. We even had a like-new set of Korean "Gabe" children's educational materials that was bought by a Korean couple who stopped by with their children.

All-in-all, a very successful day!


Steven Bammel

Steven S. Bammel is president and chief translator/consultant at Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc. A graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (B.B.A. Economics) and Hanyang University (M.S. Management Strategy), Steven has worked for over twenty years in Korean business and translation. | more about Steven

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