Netflix mispelled in Korean 60 different ways
I recently translated Korean survey responses about online streaming services. Netflix was mentioned many times, usually written in Korean. The correct Korean spelling of Netflix is 넷플릭스. Including typos, I found it mispelled the following 60 different ways. 냇플락스냇플릭스네프리스네플릭스넥폴리스넥플레이스넥플렉스넥플리스넥플릭스넥플릿스넷블리스넷블릭스넷풀릭스넷프렉스넷프리스넷프릭스넷플랙스넷플러스넷플럭스넷플레스넷플렉스넷플렉으넷플력스넷플리스넷플릭스넷플릳스넷플릿스네플리스넥플렛ㄷ넷 플릭스넷프리넷프릿스넷플넷플리넷플릭넷플릭스넷픞릭스플렉스내플릭스넛플릭스네프릿스네플렉스넥프릭스넥플레스넷플ㄹㄱ스넷플렛스넷플릯넷플릳그넷플릿그낵플리스네푸레스네프렉스네프릭스네플랙스넥플 릭스넷 플랙스넷플 렉스넷플리그넷플리쇼넷플힉스셋플릭스 Nine more ways 네플릿스넥플러스넷 플릭 스넷블렉스넷플넷플 랙넷플릭시넷플릭으넷플링스...