Photos of Cauvery at Gomokdang Yejeol Summer Camp

I took Cauvery down to Gomokdang Yejeol Summer Camp in late July. The camp is located in the foothills of Chiri Mountain and is surely one of the most beautiful spots in Korea. These are some of the photos taken by the staff and sent to parents on a daily basis by KakaoTalk during the three weeks Cauvery was there.

  • Visit in Google Maps.
  • Visit the website.[EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:]

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Steven Bammel

Steven S. Bammel is president and chief translator/consultant at Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc. A graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (B.B.A. Economics) and Hanyang University (M.S. Management Strategy), Steven has worked for over twenty years in Korean business and translation. | more about Steven

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