Monthly Archive: July 2011

Dead Cactus at My Office in Chungang-Dong

I'd killed some plants at the office and so Myunghee'd taken most of the others to the house for proper care. But this lone cactus remained. I either overwatered it or underwatered it…. Not sure which.

Closing Greetings for Korean Emails

I've got a colleague here in Korea, Dong-Hyuk Kim (pictured at right), who always closes his emails with the most creative and charming expressions. I'm collecting some of them here for safekeeping: 달콤한 휴식을 즐기는행복한 저녁 보내세요. 가을의 정취와 더불어즐거운 하루 보내세요. 맑고 향기로운 하루 보내세요. 상쾌한 하루 보내세요. 좋은...