Daytrip to Ganghwa Island (2 of 9) – Deokjin-jin

Just up the Yeomha Strait from Choji-jin, this spot got some fierce action in both the French and American attacks in 1866 and 1871, respectively. The rock on which Myunghee, Treasure and Cauvery are climbing in the photo below looks very similar to the rock on which the American soldiers posed for a photo in 1871 which we saw at the museum later in the day. The stone pillar next to which the family posed for another photo was erected by Heungseong Daeweongeun in 1876 to declare that no foreign ships would be allowed through, thus reinforcing the closed policy of the nation at that time.

(Visit in Google Maps.)

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Steven Bammel

Steven S. Bammel is president and chief translator/consultant at Korean Consulting & Translation Service, Inc. A graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (B.B.A. Economics) and Hanyang University (M.S. Management Strategy), Steven has worked for over twenty years in Korean business and translation. | more about Steven

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