Monthly Archive: September 2012

Sample Korean Email Greetings for Chuseok

Sample Korean Email Greetings for Chuseok

웃음이 가득한 즐거운 추석 명절 맞이하세요! —— 추석을 맞이하여 행복한 시간되시기를 기원드립니다. —– 한결같은 성원에 감사드리며 사랑 가득한 한가위 되시길 기원합니다. —– 풍요로운 한가위 보내시고, 가정에 웃음이 가득하시기 기원합니다. — 저에게 주신 성원에 감사드리며 즐거운 추석을 기원합니다. — 늘 감사합니다. 가족 친지들과 행복 나누는 추석 보내시길 기원합니다. — 감사하고 행복한...

A Comparative Study of Organizational Commitment in Korea, China and the US

A Comparative Study of Organizational Commitment in Korea, China and the US

An article published in Korea (조직몰입 선행변수의 효과에 대한 국가 간 비교연구: 한국, 미국, 중국을 중심으로 – 심원술, 김진희) [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] a few years ago studied the factors leading to organizational commitment in companies of Korea, China and the US. To me, the most interesting point of the...

On How to Translate Korean for Koreans Living Outside Korea

On How to Translate Korean for Koreans Living Outside Korea

A client asked me recently whether a Korean translation written for Koreans living outside Korea should be handled differently than a translation for Koreans in Korea. He mentioned that Chinese translators have told him that Chinese living outside China (such as Chinese living in the US) speak and write differently...

Korean Views on Japanese Society and Economy are Changing

Japan is a popular topic of discussion among Koreans. The themes used to focus mainly on a) how bad the Japanese were during their 34-year colonization of Korea and b) how advanced they are and that it would really be nice to catch up. Today, the tone is much different....

Answers to Questions on Becoming a RE-patriate from Korea

Answers to Questions on Becoming a RE-patriate from Korea

A KBC member posted this message recently: Without getting into all the details, I've been thinking about repatriating back to my home country of the U.S. in the next year or so. I'd like to know about other people who have done the same. Did you have a job lined...

Job Opportunity as a Master of Ceremonies at Funerals

Recruiting Students to be Nationally Certified Masters of Ceremonies at Funerals High-income professional job!! Positions arranged for 100% of students!! No exam!! First-come-first-serve, 40 people. Ansan branch – Tel: 8044-2700    Shiheung branch – Tel: 433-9978  

Korean Translation Tip : A Quirk of Punctuation Usage in Korean

Korean Translation Tip : A Quirk of Punctuation Usage in Korean

Punctuation in Korean generally follows English style, including use of the colon. But there are a some nuances to keep in mind. I recently handled a marketing brochure for a Korean organization on a Korean business translation [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED:] project. The source document included a number of spots...