Korean Business Culture Insights: “What Do You Call a Doctor in Korea?”

The following snippet from one of my lectures in the KBC Professional Certification Program is now part of the ebook Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea! 

Purchase and download on Amazon. [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED: https://www.amazon.com/Steven-Bammel/e/B00T6BEEY2/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&tag=korcontraseri-20&linkId=CVTDBYDSJBICQN2B]


7-26-2012 1-46-02 AM

From the lecture in Chapter 6 of Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea!

“What do you call a Korean named Kim who is a Ph.D.-holder and a university professor? Professor Kim or Dr. Kim?

“What do you call the president of a large company named Lee who is also a Ph.D. holder? Is she President Lee or Dr. Lee?

“What should you call the owner of a one-person company named Jung who has a Ph.D.? President Jung or Dr. Jung?

“What do you call your physician named Yoo? Dr. Yoo?

“Bonus Question #1 – What do you call a professor named Choi who holds a Ph.D., but whom you are currently talking with at a meeting of an association on which the professor is serving as head of the board of directors?

“Bonus Question #2 – What do you call a professor named Ryu whose son named Jaeweon is on your son’s basketball team, who’s about your age and who you’re meeting for dinner at a get-together of all the parents of the basketball team members?

Get the answers to these questions in Korean Business Etiquette Guide: Take an Essential Step Toward Your Business Goals in Korea! [EXPIRED LINK REMOVED: https://www.amazon.com/Steven-Bammel/e/B00T6BEEY2/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&tag=korcontraseri-20&linkId=CVTDBYDSJBICQN2B] 

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