Introduction to the KBC Professional Certification Program

The following is an extract from the introduction to the Business Culture Fundamentals Specialization of the KBC Professional Certification Program. Visit Korea Business Central for more information on the program and to register and get certified.

7-26-2012 1-46-02 AM

"Thanks for signing up for the new KBC Professional Certification Program. You’ve taken an important step in moving your business and career forward in Korea. You’re also in good company, since we’ve had a fantastic member response so far!

"Starting out, I want to be sure you don’t overlook all the value we’ve built into the program. As I explained on KBC recently, there are five elements to the content/resources which you’re receiving from your investment (actually six, come to think of it!), and I encourage you utilize each to its fullest extent.

"The two basic elements include the main lesson (Element 1 – "The Textbook") and the supplementary required content that you'll need to know for the exam (Element 2 – "Essential Handouts").

"But that’s just the start, because each lesson also links to related and helpful optional content (Element 3 – "Extra Reading") and a discussion in which I invite you to share your experiences, questions, etc. (Element 4 – "The Classroom") Think of it as a place where we can all deepen our knowledge and understanding in a zone of free sharing.

"In addition, this email is the first of a series which I’m writing and will send to you over the next few weeks (Element 5 – "Lecture Supplements"). After this one, the main purpose of each email will be to discuss at a higher level and in a more conversational manner the nuances of various aspects of the seven learning modules. 

"As for the ultimate value you’ll get from passing the exam and becoming a Certified Korea Business Professional (Element 6 – "Graduation Certificate"), I’ll also be sharing my ideas and suggestions for how to make the most of this certification, and hopefully learning from you some ways that I hadn’t thought of yet. 

"My hope is not just to "talk at" you with one-way lectures, but that you’ll communicate back to our class of current and former studentsto both share insights and questions, and learn more in ways that allow us all to internalize the whole Korean business culture topic. I’m writing these as “the expert” but I know there’s still lots to learn and that we can 
improve together.

"So, let’s get started! Look for my first lecture soon."

7-26-2012 1-46-02 AM

Sign up today for the KBC Professional Certification Program to be more successful in your business and career in Korea.

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